Residential Care

Trent Bridge Care Home

Trent Bridge offers residents a welcoming retreat, tailored to individual needs and preferences. Whether you require support with daily living or seek social connections, our individual approach ensures a comfortable transition. Personalise your living space with cherished belongings and enjoy nutritious meals and engaging activities designed to enrich your experience.

Older people chatting

With strong links to local healthcare providers, including GP surgeries, comprehensive medical support is readily available. We understand the significance of transitioning to residential care and are committed to providing guidance and support for you and your loved ones throughout the process.

Get in touch with us today to find out more

We also offer a range of other care options.


"I am so pleased that we chose this place, I felt surrounded by love here, they are all so friendly, everyone talks to you and I have never felt lonely once."

Tanglewood Care Home resident

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